Cariboo, Kootenays and Thompson

Silver Cup – Trout Lake


Three cells on Lardeau Creek, near Trout Lake. There are two claims 778242 (one cell) and 818942 (two cells).

Lots of mining history in this area. There are several old adits on the claim and a dam built by historic hard rock miners. Good access along the creek.

The claims are easily accessible from the Sharon Road down to the sandy areas of the Lardeau.

Map location: 50.660996 N, -117.392263 W

Tenure Numbers: 778242, 818942

Price: $2500 CAD

Claim Type: Placer
Area: 60 hectares (3 cells)
Good to Date: August 2023 (work will be submitted soon)

Lardeaux River Dam @ Rambler Sept-8-2012 002Lardeaux River Dam @ Rambler Sept-8-2012 012

Lardeaux River Dam @ Rambler Sept-8-2012 018IMG_6004

Horseshoe Bend – Bridge River

Horseshoe bend claim

This claim is a mineral gold claim in the Bridge River area. There is known gold in this location both placer and hardrock. A quartz vein discovered in 1935, which surrendered 93 grams of native gold and 31 grams of silver, from 12 tonnes of vein material (Minfile 092JNE083). There is a lost adit on the claim as well which is mentioned in the 1933 GSC Summary Report. See page 75, called “Moha”.

We haven’t found the adit or quartz vein yet. When we do the cost for this claim will go up substantially.

The claim is located a short drive from Lillooet on crown land.

Map location: 50.860503 N, -122.166893 W

Tenure Numbers: 1043373

Price: $1500 CAD

Claim Type: Mineral
Area: 20 hectares (1 cell)
Good to Date: April 9, 2022

This property is offered for mining purposes only and ownership of the title to it does not include ownership of the surface rights or the rights to use the surface for residential or recreational purposes.