West Coast Placer offers drill testing that is specifically designed for placer gold properties.
Our system is designed to offer low-cost drill samples for placer claims at every stage of development. Our versatile, tactical drill platform provides the most reliable placer grade measurements in the industry. Our drill can get reliable samples down to 100 meters and we can sample through any type of material including gravel, clay and solid rock.
In placer gold exploration it is essential to test down to the bedrock interface. The challenge is how to do that on a small budget. Digging test pits with excavators and bulldozers is expensive and can take weeks to reach bedrock. In British Columbia, permits and reclamation bonds make it difficult to explore using excavated pits. Drilling requires a much smaller commitment.
With our RAB Drill we get to bedrock every single time! Usually within several hours of starting a hole.
If your bedrock is deeper than 20 feet, it is not economical to test with an excavator due to the substantial costs involved. Excavating to such depths can be prohibitively expensive, factoring in not only the operational costs but also the expenses related to reclamation bonds, permits, and environmental compliance. This makes traditional methods impractical for deep placer exploration.
In contrast, our drilling services offer a more efficient and cost-effective solution. We can drill several holes per day, allowing us to accurately measure gold grades over a large area. Our drill, mounted on tracks, provides exceptional mobility, enabling us to access virtually any site that requires testing, regardless of the terrain.
Our capabilities include drilling up to 60 meters (200 feet) within a 10-hour shift, with a maximum depth of 200 meters (600 feet). Each 10-foot section of material is carefully stored separately and analyzed for gold content. Despite the small sample size from each drill hole, our sampling technique is highly accurate. This precision is the result of years of refinement and expertise gained from working with placer miners across the globe, ensuring reliable and representative sampling results for your placer gold properties.
RAB stands for Rotary Air Blast. Our drill is powered by compressed air. It uses a huge air compressor (400CFM/200PSI) to power a down hole pneumatic hammer. The hammer breaks up rock and hard-packed gravels, the air pressure pushes the sample up to the surface. The sample material is caught in our cyclone and stored in 5-gallon pails for processing.
With this technique we can accurately sample placer material at depth. Each sample is recorded and sampled in a systematic way.
We provide a detailed report with maps and interpretation of the data explaining the results in an easy to understand format. We record gold grades as well as drill logs showing the types of material and bedrock depth. This work qualifies for placer assessment work in BC and the Yukon.
Drilling is only part of the story, it’s the data that we really want. After all, there’s no point putting holes in the ground unless we can figure out how much gold is down there.
After the samples are recovered from the drill they are subjected to our processing technique. The volumes are accurately measured and then the samples are concentrated using precision sampling equipment.
The final concentrate is analyzed using our proprietary gold scanning system. We have custom software that analyzes the number of gold particles in a sample, the distribution of mesh sizes and several other metrics about placer gold. Our final report will give you detailed information on the gold grades and particle sizes at every interval from surface to bedrock. We provide detailed maps in an easy to understand format. You don’t have to be a scientist to understand the results, we take care of the science for you.
West Coast Placer provides specialized drilling reports that deliver comprehensive and precise data for placer gold properties. Our reports include detailed gold grades, particle size distribution, and thorough drill logs, documenting the types of material encountered and the depth to bedrock. Each sample is meticulously processed and analyzed, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data.
Our final reports present the results in an easy-to-understand format, featuring clear maps and interpretations. These reports not only help in evaluating the potential of placer deposits but also meet the requirements for placer assessment work in regions such as British Columbia and the Yukon. Additionally, we offer technical reports and can provide 43-101 compliant reports if needed, ensuring that all regulatory and industry standards are met.
By providing actionable insights and recommendations based on the collected data, we help clients optimize their exploration strategies and make informed decisions. Whether you are a solo prospector or a publicly listed company, our reports deliver the critical information needed to assess and maximize the potential of your placer gold properties.
Contact us to take your placer project to the next level.